Where can I find Java Language Information?

"Java" refers to both a language and a platform. The runtime and libraries that comprise the platform are based on the Java language and come in 3 flavors:

Java SE (Standard Edition): It contains a good all-around mix of general purpose libraries including JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), JNDI (Java Naming Directory Interface), RMI (Remote Method Invocation), AWT, and Swing.

Java EE (Enterprise Edition):It includes Java Standard Edition plus most of the other Java technologies including JavaMail, Activation, JAXB (Java API for XML Binding), Servlets, JSF (Java Server Faces), JMS (Java Messaging Service), EJB (Enterprise Java Beans), and others. Most of the APIs are very component-oriented and are intended to provide pluggable interfaces for business components to form robust, distributed internet applications.

Java Enterprise Edition is based on Java, but includes a larger set of libraries than Java Standard Edition, which to most people is synonymous with the word "Java." Note that many of the technologies featured in Java Enterprise Edition are available separately and can be added to the Java Standard Edition platform as needed.

Java ME (Micro Edition): It includes most of Java SE and some additional APIs for mobiles.


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