How are US Presidential Elections Held?

Here is a summary....

Over a period of a year, the states and territories and citizens living abroad hold their primaries or caucuses. Super Tuesday is when maximum number of states hold primaries or caucuses together.

When finished, the delegates representing the citizens who voted in those elections travel to the national convention. Most of the delegates are forced to vote as the citizens of their state wanted them to but some of them are free to vote as they like.

At the national convention the delegates meet up with the super delegates and together they make the final decision on who will be the nominee of for the president of USA.

Primary vs Caucus : Primary is like secret ballot for citizens to vote independently and caucus is like a discussion that happens first and sides are taken in groups.

Citizens vote for delegates and not the candidates themselves. Delegates then pick nominee along with super delegates.

Super Delegates are VIP voters like congressmen and past presidents

Citizens who are registered voters are only allowed to vote in Closed Primaries. Independents must register for one of the other party. Open Primaries however allow independents to vote as well.


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