Have mosquitoes been longer on this Earth than Humans?

We can be sure that mosquitoes are at least 95 million year old on this earth.


On Oct 15th 2013, it was reported that a unique 46-million-year-old mosquito fossil with a belly full of dried blood has been found in a Montana riverbed, US researchers said Monday. Cutting-edge instruments detected blood in her abdomen, but just what creature that blood came from is a mystery since DNA cannot be extracted from a fossil that old. While far from the oldest known mosquito fossil - that honor goes to a 95-million-year-old mosquito in amber in Myanmar.


Compare to that humans have spent less time on this planet. It is estimated that the first members of the human family (hominins) lived in Africa about 6 or 7 million years ago. Fossil evidence suggests that modern humans evolved in East Africa around 200,000 years ago.


However this is all based on fossilized evidence so we can never be sure if mosquitoes really existed before humans did.


Source NDTV




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