What are the various iOS Charting/Graphs Options Available?

From our friends Amul, Krunal and Ruptapas


RPRadarChart - https://github.com/raspu/RPRadarChart

ANE-Chartboost - https://github.com/freshplanet/ANE-Chartboost



Git: https://github.com/ReetuRaj/MIMChart-Library

Documentation: http://mimchartlibrary.blogspot.in/2012/07/bar-graph.html



1) Core Plot - Good for 2D visualization of data, and is tightly integrated with Apple technologies like Core Animation, Core Data, and Cocoa Bindings.



2) iOSPlot - Again good for 2D visualization of data, also allows gesture/tap and customizable features.



3) iOS:Chart - Good set of powerful graph types with real 3D graphs to control zoom, pan, rotate and skew.



4) KeepEdge Library - Contains set of good documentation on how to use each chart types.



5) Shinobi Controls - Contains the most modern framework, with good documentation, well structured relationships, classes and customizable interface.



Of those libraries, Core Plot and iOSPlot are open source, the other three libraries require a paid license. 


The following website contains a detailed comparison of all these libraries.



Other than these I found two more Libraries which are simple and easy to use:


1) FRD3DBarChart - Open source iOS 3D bar chart control made with GLKit (Open GL).



2) XYPieCart- Open Source simple and easy to use pie chart library only for 2D visualization.






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