
Showing posts from April, 2016

What does it mean to re-classify equity with a class structure?

It is a juggling game in which the founders of the company can keep control and still give away economics tied to the equity like dividends etc. Berkshire, Google, Alibaba have all done it in the past. Now facebook also has decided to do the same. Facebook currently has a dual-class structure: Class A shares, which are what trade under the ticker "FB" on public markets and have one vote per share, and Class B shares, which have 10 votes per share and is what company insiders own. The Class B shares don't trade on an exchange. Now, for each outstanding Class A and Class B share held by our stockholders, Facebook intends to issue two new Class C shares as a one-time stock dividend. The Class C shares will have the same economic rights as the existing Class A and Class B shares. The primary difference is that the Class C shares are non-voting.So in effect FB has split 3:1. There will also be a new ticker for the Class C stock that will trade on the exchange.

What and Why is Comprehensive Business Tax Reform in USA Important?

The United States now has the highest statutory business tax rate among the major industrial countries. The companies owe taxes at the full U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent on profits they earn around the world. They get tax credits for payments to foreign governments and don't have to pay the residual U.S. tax until they bring the money home. Among most other developed nations, U.S. is the only one that taxes foreign income.This places businesses at a distinct competitive disadvantage since most foreign competitors are not required to pay a similar tax to their home countries. This particular aspect of the U.S. tax code poses real challenges when it comes to global investment decisions and the return of foreign profits to the U.S. A reduction in the business tax rate to at least 25% must be accompanied with other proposed reforms such as reevaluating whether foreign tax credits are necessary given that they are utilized as an offset against the high corporate tax rate.  The cu...

How to visualize a weight of 1 Newton and How much force does 1 N-Meter have?

This is how you can explain it to a fifth grader. Imagine having a 102 gms dumbell on one of your hands.  The weight on your hand due to this dumbell and earth's gravity is around 1 Newton (102 gm x 9.8 m/s/s). Now imagine a one meter long spanner hooked to a nut and you put this dumbell on the end of that spanner. The twisting force on the nut due to this dumbell and that one meter long spanner will be around 1 Newton-Meter.

How to Upgrade the RAM on a Unibody MacBook from 2010

The unibody MAC from 2010 comes with a 2GB memory. You can upgrade it to an 8GB memory using this video below Memory Upgrade Video

What is TAC and who is it important to?

TAC includes the Transfer Acquisition Cost that Search Engines pay to search distribution partners for distributing Google/Bidu/Yahoo Search as distinct from their own branded search.  TAC can be thought of as the cost of doing business for Search Giants.

What is Skylake and how does it compare with Broadwell or Haswell?

Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake are are codenames for the respective 4th, 5th and 6th Generation iterations of Intel's processor microarchitechture. Broadwell is perceived as a version upgrade from Haswell however Sklyake is a major microarchitecture re-design. Apple has introduced the latest lineup of Laptops that now use Intel Core M processors based on Skylake. Core i5/i7 are faster than Core M. Core M lies in between the ATOM and the Core i5/i7 series but on a Skylake Architecture however. Intel has the Core i5/i7 versions on both Skylake and Broadwell.

What is Hadoop Streaming and Why Should I use it?

Hadoop, formally called Apache Hadoop, is an Apache Software Foundation project and open source software platform for scalable, distributed computing. Hadoop can provide fast and reliable analysis of both structured data and unstructured data.  Hadoop can scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Hadoop consists of HDFS and MapReduce HDFS uses a master/slave architecture in which one device (the master) controls one or more other devices (the slaves). MapReduce takes care of scheduling tasks, monitoring them and re-executing any failed tasks.  Even though the Hadoop framework is written in Java, programs for Hadoop need not to be coded in Java but can also be developed in other languages like Python or C++. You can translate your Python code using Jython into a Java jar file but this is not convenient. Or you could write the code in python itself. The "trick" behind the following Python cod...

What are the key ideas from Facebook Developer Conference 2016?

Speaking to 2600 developers around the world Mark Zuckerberg laid down three main areas of focus for Facebook in the coming 2-3 years. 1. Artificial Intelligence - Sifting through information shared by users like photos and videos, text. 2. Connectivity - Internet connectivity for all through drones or lasers 3. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality - Meeting virtually friends across the globe using "normal" glasses than those thick geeky ones.

How do I prevent a batch file from waiting on a program?

Use the START command within your script. Here is a detailed explanation.

What is the Global Android and iOS Market Share?

IDC Suggests that overall smartphone market grew 13% YOY in 2015.  Android dominated the market with an 83% share in 2015 Q2 and  iOS enjoyed a 14% share. So between iOS and Android, there is about 97% market right there.

As of April 2016 what is the most used Android OS Version?

From Google's Dashboard  seems like 4.x is on 57% of devices. 5.x is on 35% of devices With around 5% on the newly released 6.x Marshmallow.

Is multiprocessing possible in Python?

If your machine has a single processor you can use the module named threading for python to spawn multiple threads on single core. If your machine has more than one processors which is the case mostly these days, then due to global interpreter lock, threading module will not work for you. In this case you have to use another module named multiprocessing. Here are simple examples of multiprocessing module from PyMOTW import multiprocessing import time import sys def daemon():     print 'Starting:', multiprocessing.current_process().name     time.sleep(2)     print 'Exiting :', multiprocessing.current_process().name def non_daemon():     print 'Starting:', multiprocessing.current_process().name     print 'Exiting :', multiprocessing.current_process().name if __name__ == '__main__':     d = multiprocessing.Process(name='daemon', target=daemon)     d.daemon = True     n = multipr...

Should I relocate to SD for my startup from SFO?

You probably should.  Here are the reasons why.

Is WiMax Dead Now?

It is probably dead as a mobile technology but has life as a fixed tech. Here is an interesting blog post from me from 2007 on WiMax from my other writings.