ADF vs Other Tools

Thanks to a conversation with Pavan here it is….


Debugging is a hassle

Visual Layout is good in ADF

ADF you need to deploy and you can see so time takes to do.

Web UI in ADF compared to Titanium

Many UI components in ADF compared to Titanium e.g carousel

If you make a mobile ADF you are all set for ADF Web and Web Service so skills are transferrable

Good tools to connect with Database using pre-defined libraries in ADF compared to ADF

Landscape and Portrait is difficult to ADF

Accommodating Different Screen sizes is difficult in ADF

ADF has less documentation

Oracle based ADF integrates well with Oracle Tools like Web Logic and DB etc

Android and iOS need CSS change to accommodate

Data driven app only good for ADF. No hardware access etc.

Modules can be created using ADF (like a jar file)

Multilingual Support is easier in non ADF


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