Why do I see Low Memory Warnings on UIImage View Load?
UIImage representation is cached in virtual memory in iOS When I go back (navigation controller pop), neither the "Image IO" type nor the "Dirty" type decreases in size. It's as if the UIImageView is not being destroyed. I have a number of calls to [UIImage imageNamed:] and I know the caching keeps the bitmaps Solution : Don't load images with [UIImage imageNamed:] for load image in ImageView,it's cause memory issue when no.of images are more, use this, NSString * imgpath= [ [ NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"imageName" ofType:@"png"]; ImageView.image=[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: imgpath]; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17666679/uiimageview-not-releasing-memory-according-to-vm-tracker-low-memory-warnings