Simply states the JS code is compiled almost one to one into the representative symbols in native platform. There's still an interpreter running in interpreted mode otherwise things like dynamic code wouldn't work. However, its much faster, much more compact and it's about as close to pure native mapping as you can get. These are the detailed steps that happen beneath the hood Titanium takes your Javascript code, analyzes and preprocesses it and then pre-compiles it into a set of symbols that are resolved based on your applications uses of Titanium APIs. This Symbol Table maps to the underlying Titanium library symbols to understand which APIs (and related dependencies, frameworks, etc) specifically your app needs. In iOS, the symbol maps to a true C symbol that ultimately maps to a compiled .o file. For Java, well, it's more or less a .class file, etc. Then it invokes the SDK compiler (i.e. GCC for iPhone, Java for Android) to compile your applicatio...