
Showing posts from 2015

How to setup a Dual Monitor on Win 7?

Graphics cards like NVIDIA GTX970 or AMD R9270X are needed. Check this software setup.

How are startup stock options valued?

Here is a nice article from my earlier blog in 2007

How to share files using WiFi on a BB Tablet

Here is a nice article on this #Playbook

Which banks in India are too big to fail?

Seems like RBI has been chosen SBI (with almost 20% bad loans of the 300,000 Crore in the Indian Banking System) and ICICI with 5% bad loans as the two banks which can lead to a systemic risk if failure occurs. So no wonder RBI has chosen them as TBTF.

Which are the useful UNIX/LINUX/POSIX commands?

tar  grep find sed awk vim diff sort xargs ls pwd cd gzip unzip ps top tail kill rm cp mv cat chmod mkdir ifconfig uname -a whereis whatis man ping date wget

How does a MAC command line compare to Linux?

Mostly they are the same as the root shell in both systems is bash If you want windows systems also to have this same shell then go for cygwin port for windows

Which Android Devices are mostly used in US?

Looks like S5 is the most popular till date.

Any Good Books for Titanium Development?

Here is the mobi and pub version of the book

How to create responsive UI in Titanium?

Here is the idea and the link to stack overflow article   var per40 = Math.floor(Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth * 0.4);   var btngeorgia=Titanium.UI.createButton({    //stuff     width:per90,     //stuff });  

What is the difference between clause and phrase

Phrase and Clause, Difference in Phrase and Clause

How to go about using the M-830B digital multimeter?

Appcelerator Studio Install is getting Error - "Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading. Please wait until it has finished"

Hi  Rebooting is not solving this issue either. I tried to manually update it using terminal and it worked. sudo npm install -g appcelerator appc setup Thanks to the link below

Is Titanium no free anymore?

Well, Titanium as we know it will remain free but the support for it will eventually dwindle. Also if you plan to continue to use it you may have to build your own image from source on Github. However if you are an existing user you can use Appcelerator Studio as an Indie User. However it is not clear yet if you can publish an iPA or APK without the $39/month seat. This will give you some information

Any way to Delete an App in iTunes Connect?

You can delete your app if there is at least one approved version of the app. Apps not approved yet can't be deleted. Instead remove the build and reject the app Here is the link for more details

How to reclaim an app name SKU in iTunes Connect?

Look at this link below

Why do we see Red Screen of Death on Distribution builds?

This is not supposed to be shown on distributed builds. Try rebuilding the application correctly.

Do iOS Apps get notification in foreground?

Titanium build fails with 'Invalid "--pp-uuid" value' error

Here is a simple answer

Where to find the .JS code in my titanium project once it is built in Xcode?

Simply states the JS code is compiled almost one to one into the representative symbols in native platform.  There's still an interpreter running in interpreted mode otherwise things like dynamic code wouldn't work.  However, its much faster, much more compact and it's about as close to pure native mapping as you can get. These are the detailed steps that happen beneath the hood Titanium takes your Javascript code, analyzes and preprocesses it and then pre-compiles it into a set of symbols that are resolved based on your applications uses of Titanium APIs.  This Symbol Table maps to the underlying Titanium library symbols to understand which APIs (and related dependencies, frameworks, etc) specifically your app needs.  In iOS, the symbol maps to a true C symbol that ultimately maps to a compiled .o file.  For Java, well, it's more or less a .class file, etc.  Then it invokes the SDK compiler (i.e. GCC for iPhone, Java for Android) to compile your applicatio...

Any Video on Upload iOS App to Store?

Thanks to our friend Vimal to send this to us

How to troubleShoot a Failed Signature Validation on App Store?

TroubleShoot a Failed Signature Validation on App Store

Any pointers for good UI?

Thanks to our friend Mihir for sharing this. Check this out?

Any way to convert to TitleCase in JavaScript?

Check this out

Any good video for Upload to Apple App Store?

Here is a good video

Why do I see Low Memory Warnings on UIImage View Load?

UIImage representation is cached in virtual memory  in iOS   When I go back (navigation controller pop), neither the "Image IO" type nor the "Dirty" type decreases in size. It's as if the UIImageView is not being destroyed.   I have a number of calls to [UIImage imageNamed:] and I know the caching keeps the bitmaps   Solution :   Don't load images with [UIImage imageNamed:] for load image in ImageView,it's cause memory issue when no.of images are more, use this, NSString * imgpath= [ [ NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"imageName" ofType:@"png"]; ImageView.image=[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: imgpath];

Where are the Titanium Best Practices?

Here they are Titanium Best Practices and Guidelines <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]> Use Alloy to structure your project <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]> Use CommonJS modules <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]> Read about coding strategies for cross-platform application development <![if !supportLists]> ·          <![endif]> Read the Best Practices guides Thanks,

How to use iOS KeyChain?

To use keychain sharing, you need to make change at two places…     Get the bundle seed identifier from developer portal   App.entitlements 9BHB6WUHH5 . – you need to change this to  YOUR_SEED_ID. ,  you can find the SEED_ID in your apple developer portal.     Some more information is here