
Showing posts from November, 2010

How does one become an entrepreneur?

Try to find a problem first, spend time on finding how it is solved or if it is solved at all? Spend a lot of time analyzing the problem.

Where can I find some videos from Swami Lakshman Joo on Kashmir Shaivism?

Very nice short clips have been posted at . These are very important because the philosophy is very ancient and coming here from the original lineage

What is Shiva and Shakti?

Think of them as forces, just like we have gravity and electromagnetism working on larger distances. We also have Strong and Weak Nuclear forces working on sub atomic levels.

What causes Type2 Diabetes?

A viral infection on the pancreas causes it to secrete less insulin.

Why is the number 1 not a prime number?

What is the frequency of the sound waves coming from open strings of my guitar?

Open A string gives you a 110 Hz sound. Here is a list of all the frequencies The beauty is that all sound waves can be represented as a sum of sine waves. Amazing truth of nature discovered by Fourier.

Where can I find some podcasts about history of mathematics?

Here is a BBC series on Mathematics

Where is a good graphing tool?

Here is a good graphing tool

How does radioactive carbon dating work?

The plants maintain a certain amount of carbon-14 level in sync with the atmospheric level due to photosynthesis. Then when animals eat plants they maintain that same level as well. When an animal is dead, the carbon 14 starts to decay into Nitrogen 14 (it takes 5700 years for the amount to become half of what it was initially ;also called the half life) If we know how much carbon-14 is left in that animal then we can know how long it has been dead.

Why can't an antibiotic help when you have common cold?

Common Cold is a virus as opposed to a bacteria. Antibiotic can only act on bacteria as the bacteria is living organism. Virus is a packet of DNA or RNA embedded in a protein that masquerades itself and enters a living cell. It then takes over the entire metabolic process of the cell to destroy the cell it entered and uses it to create more protein packets like itself ready to attack other cells.